We hope that you are happy with your Debaj order. However, if for any reason you are not entirely satisfied, you may return any item in its original condition for exchange within 7 working days from delivery. Returned goods must be unopened, unused and in a re-saleable condition; for example, the item must have all its original packaging. We are not responsible for the return fees. The goods are your responsibility until they reach us.
If you want to exchange the goods, please e-mail us at within 24 hours from the date you receive the goods. We will confirm your request for return order by e-mail. Please include a completed ‘Return Form’ with the items you send back to us within 7 days of receipt in their original packaging to the Debaj Group addresses below.
Address: Debaj Group, Office 1414, 14th Floor IT Plaza, Dubai Silicon Oasis, P.O. Box 15442, Dubai, UAE
Alternative you may bring back the items to the location mentioned above.
Should you wish to cancel an order before it has been dispatched, please contact us at (Open 8 am to 5 pm UAE time, Saturday to Thursday) within 48 hours from the date you placed the order with us. We will confirm your cancellation by e-mail and you will not be charged on the order. If we are not informed of the cancellation within 48 hours from the date you placed the order, we will not accept the cancellation.
If you want to exchange the goods but do not return the cancelled goods to us within 7 working days, we shall be entitled not to offer any exchange of goods for you. Until such goods are returned to us, you are obliged to exercise all reasonable care to store the cancelled goods safely and in appropriate conditions.
If the goods you receive are damaged or faulty in any way, or not what you originally ordered we will be happy to exchange the items or offer you a refund. Please notify us immediately upon the delivery by e-mailing us at (Open 8 am to 5 pm UAE time, Saturday to Thursday). We will ask you to email a photo of the damaged goods as part of our quality assurance checks. Please note it is critical that you keep all the original packaging and repack the item with care. Our delivery team will make the collection, and upon inspection at our warehouse, a refund, or replacement will be arranged.
The exchange policy is not applicable to Debaj Group Gift Vouchers, customer made orders, promotion and/or sale items. We will not, under any circumstances, entertain a request for cash refund or credit note.
If you have any queries regarding our returns policy, do not hesitate to e-mail us at (Open 8 am to 5 pm UAE time, Saturday to Thursday).